Momentum Blog & Media

Welcome to Momentum’s Blog & Media page. This is the place where we share the information most aligned to our Mission. Whether it’s something we have created or the keen ideas of a collegial thought leader, this is where we provide insight and inspiration for people in business.


Time Out

Posted by on November 4, 2016 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Time Out

Time Out

The world has become very noisy. Life and work have become very busy. Distractions continue to multiply, and information grows exponentially. Almost everywhere the External wants in; either to sell, influence or otherwise impact us. As things are changing so rapidly we, as a species, are operating on the fly. There is very little perceived space and time available to make sense of it all, let alone manage these changes wisely. This cultural/technological/informational/environmental sea change has proved prolific in many ways. And, as is the case with titanic change, there is collateral impact: notably, the loss of quiet, reflective time. By this I mean time dedicated to deeper thought, contemplation and internal guidance. Wisdom, I believe, requires this. The term ‘let me sleep on it’ points to this. The complexities of this world can neither be understood nor properly addressed via our propensity towards the immediate and the knee jerk. In business, a lack of good sound consideration and thought can be hazardous to long term success and growth. Immediacy usually reacts from the...

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Help Needed

Posted by on October 28, 2016 in Awareness, Conscious Business, Leadership Development | Comments Off on Help Needed

Help Needed

There is something strangely challenging about the idea of needing help. For me, the whole concept of ‘needing’ something from someone else can feel uncomfortable. Which is really strange, because I couldn’t get through one day without the help and contribution of others. I live in a house built by other people, drive a car assembled by other people and drive that car on roads laid down and maintained by yet others. On and on it goes. In every moment, I am literally surrounded by and reliant upon other people’s work and contribution. In my own business, however, I can be lured into thinking that I need to do it all. Yes, I have people who work with me and for me, but this niggling feeling persists. When examined, it feels like a curious blend of pride, control and almost a rogue independence. Loosening the grip on this limiting behavior is important, not simply for my own development, but for the growth of my business. Being overly self-reliant in the realm of business leadership...

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In Revenue Generation We Trust?

Posted by on October 21, 2016 in Awareness, Conscious Business, Employee Engagement, Leadership Development | Comments Off on In Revenue Generation We Trust?

In Revenue Generation We Trust?

As I consider the myriad of things that can act as resistance to the flow of life and work, there is one that really sticks out, and that is ‘trust.’ Or, more specifically, the lack of trust. That particular quality when compromised could possibly be the biggest single crippler of people and performance there is. Trust is that big of a deal. We live in a time where trust feels very tenuous. In government, institutions, corporations, industries and religion, many of the large societal powerhouses have sustained numerous hits regarding their trustworthiness. For many of us, there is and has been a mounting skepticism regarding our belief in the aims and intentions these large institutions hold and whether we as the larger community actually fit into any of their objectives at all. While there are great complexities within each of these societal entities, there does appear to be something in common with all; that the generation of revenue in most cases seems to grossly outstrip the needs of human beings and the common good....

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A Blessing or a Curse?

Posted by on October 14, 2016 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on A Blessing or a Curse?

A Blessing or a Curse?

I heard recently that a human’s ability to adapt is both a blessing and a curse. Adaptability is a blessing because we can cope and make things work. It’s a curse because we can cope and make things work. It’s instinctive for us to adapt. Our innate talent for dealing with current realities can habituate us to accept present circumstances while obscuring our awareness to other, better options. This faculty has served humankind well. It has been a critical player in getting our human species to ‘Now.’ The trick is to recognize when we have adapted to a situation or circumstance that we don’t really want. Because our adaptability muscle tends to be genetically strong, it can unconsciously strong-arm us into compliance. Things like cultural, business and family norms are all present and powerful adaptations; it’s easy to get pulled into their current and move along with them regardless of suitability. The counterbalancing skill to this adaptability is Awareness. We become more aware by honestly asking ourselves important questions: Is this (situation, modus operandi)...

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First Things First

Posted by on October 7, 2016 in Awareness, Business Development, Conscious Business, Leadership Development | Comments Off on First Things First

First Things First

There are two forms of leadership that work well in tandem, and the development of one is a prerequisite to the development and effectiveness of the other. The first form of leadership provides a strong foundation for the second. Without this foundation, the second type of leadership is likely to falter and fail. So, what are the two forms of leadership? The first is Personal Leadership or Self Leadership. This is the basis upon which the second form of leadership is built: Leadership of Others. Our culture places great emphasis on career, wealth, status and popularity, but less on Self or Personal Leadership. Integrity, healthy emotional behavior, clean communication, curiosity, humility, understanding, consideration of other, persistence, patience: this is the stuff of great Self Leadership. These are the key foundational qualities that set the stage for effectively leading others. Why? Because followers are not simply taking direction; they are watching a Self-Leader model how to be and how to operate on a higher level in this world. People who embody strong personal leadership are...

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Security Matters

Posted by on July 8, 2016 in Awareness, Conscious Business, Employee Engagement, Leadership Development | Comments Off on Security Matters

Security Matters

Security. Feeling secure. Being secure. Promoting security. All of these act in service to an organization’s ability to be high functioning. Security is one of the foundational energetic components to deeper commitment and greater performance in human beings. Security invites trust. It invites creativity, innovation, strong relationships, collaboration and open communication. Humans tend to desire a basic sense of security. In many businesses, survival ego is in widespread play. Yes, it can be effective and compel us to action. It can move us over things and sometimes over others. It can command us forward. But, it’s not a great instrument for the long term nor for action involving more than one. Important work generally requires collaboration and highly activated egos often find it difficult to act constructively together. Egos relax with security. They don’t disappear, but they quiet. Healthy egos are still alert to good boundaries and are self-supporting, but they aren’t operating from fear. When companies dismantle the traditional ego-driven, fear-based operating system and move toward cultures that better attend to basic human...

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Help Wanted

Posted by on June 3, 2016 in Awareness, Conscious Business, Employee Engagement, Leadership Development | Comments Off on Help Wanted

Help Wanted

One lament I hear over and over again from small to midsize business leaders is that they feel they don’t have anyone to confide in. Yes, they have the people within the company. Yes, they often have spouses and family. Yes, they have their friends and even some great business colleagues. But, what they often don’t have is someone that possesses three critical qualities: neutrality, business building knowledge and, most importantly, interest. In most of the other relationships, there is greater subjectivity and expectation, both of which can thwart a candid unload and re-think. Here’s what I have experienced and believe to be true. We humans are plenty social and are aided dramatically by the support of others. Our tendency to want to do things alone is more of a cultural conditioning than a genetically wired natural instinct. There can be a lot of inner judgment and self-recrimination about not being able to figure things out on our own. But, that’s all scripted BS. In truth, we succeed faster and easier with support from...

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Red Scare?

Posted by on May 27, 2016 in Awareness, Conscious Business, Employee Engagement, Leadership Development | Comments Off on Red Scare?

Red Scare?

We Americans tend to think very highly of heroes and individualism. Both are woven into our cultural identity and occupy a place of reverence in our history and our psyche. Personally, I appreciate and admire acts of courage, service and high integrity. It expands my notions of what’s possible and deepens my understanding of human potential. As a social being, that modeling both informs and inspires me. I also believe there can be a debilitating flip-side to idolizing and/or lauding individualism. It can be tempting to dismiss or diminish the importance and power of acts performed by more than one, otherwise known as community. And yet, in most cases, groups of people can accomplish more than a single person acting alone, especially, groups of people aligned to a shared purpose. Language is both metaphor and meaning maker. When I consider words such as ‘communism’ or ‘socialism,’ I wonder if they have negatively impacted our own lexicon; specifically, the words and meanings of ‘community’ and ‘society.’ While they share a root, they are completely different...

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Culture Schmulture

Posted by on May 4, 2016 in Awareness, Employee Engagement, Leadership Development | Comments Off on Culture Schmulture

Culture Schmulture

  What is workplace culture? defines culture as: “a way of thinking, behaving, or working . . . a set of shared attitudes, values, goals and practices that characterize an institution or organization.”  Culture is the personality of your business. Your company culture reflects what is important to you, as the Leader, to your people and to your company. Your company culture is a strong message you send to the people you do business with every day – inside the company and out. Your company culture is a feeling. To have a great company culture doesn’t mean you have to install a slide or sleeping pods – fun as that would be! A great company culture invites yourself and your people into a shared vision. It is an experience you create together every day – driven by an agreed upon and codified set of values and aspirations. Do you like your company culture? Do your people? 6 Steps You Can Take Today to Jump Start Your Company...

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Thinking Big & Stepping Small

Posted by on April 29, 2016 in Awareness, Conscious Business, Employee Engagement, Leadership Development | Comments Off on Thinking Big & Stepping Small

Thinking Big & Stepping Small

  I’m a big thinker. I like to glide at high altitudes and gaze in all directions. I’m intrigued by possibility, potential and innovation. Unconditioned, independent thinking feels like my natural attitude. All of this tends to serve me well and I deeply appreciate the insight and awareness it generates. There are, however, distinct habits that are required in order to actually land the big thinking. For me, these critical habits are: Connect to the desire…it fuels the result! Get clear on the desired result Chunk down the action into small steps Take small consistent action steps Course correct as needed Bring it to completion & celebrate For big thinkers, this is not necessarily an inherent skill set. In my case, this is a down and dirty, disciplined, continuously practiced, ongoing behavior. There is nothing particularly fascinating about it, except of course, it’s the actual earthly materializer of the big thinking. Without it, big thinking is pie in the sky. Landing, grounding, manifesting ideas is a creative process. It’s messy and wondrous, heart-expanding and,...

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