The Secret Sauce

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The Secret Sauce


You remember those days…back in junior high and high school, when most of us had an ever-open eye out for what was cool or interesting or compelling. During that time we were actively scanning people, behavior, clothing, activities, interests, attitudes—looking for what lined up with out mostly unconscious objectives, be they social, physical or vocational. How those around us acted and appeared, mattered. That environment was a powerful sculptor of behavior and mindset.

In those years, we referred to it as “peer pressure.” More persuasive oftentimes than parents, teachers, media or even our own good sense. This particular field of energy possessed an enormous ability to direct action and thought. Like the wind, invisible to the eye, but no less real and profound.

This amazing energetic resource lives on and with constructive intention, can catalyze remarkable results.

Today, as grown ups in the world of business, we refer to it as peer accountability. The difference between the “pressure” and “accountability” factor is a product of awareness and elevated consciousness. Whereas in school, we were more less unconscious about the influence and implications of peer pressure, in business we are conscious about both.

Peer accountability is invited in as an instrument of support, ownership, co-creation, expanding potential, deeper fulfillment and responsibility.

Whole Foods knows it, Costco knows it, Trader Joes knows it…and so do Google, Facebook and Southwest Airlines. Plus many, many more companies that have broken free and moved beyond the limitations imposed by less evolved methods.

A well-designed, implemented and communicated peer accountability format is a game changer.

Moreover it can free managers up to pay greater attention to coaching/facilitating their team members as well as addressing any organizational or process related obstacles to their team’s performance.

Those that participate in healthy, constructive peer accountability groups get to determine group ethics, set goals, establish and measure action, contribute value, support one another and stand for both their own excellence as well as the needs of the group. The unique attributes inherent in the peer accountability instrument form a tour de force unmatched by the influence of most existing management methods. Implemented well, it’s the secret sauce—perfectly blended to stimulate vitality and enrich performance.

Stimulate engagement and accountability through the unique process of Peer Accountability. Learn how here.