Hire well. Develop well. Promote well. Thrive.
Building a strong sales team is vital to the success and health of your business. In fact, for most companies, it’s paramount. The ongoing challenge for sales management is twofold; one, assessing the sales skills of candidates, and two, improving the sales skills of existing team members. SalesMax is an online assessment tool designed to do both. SalesMax helps you to both select the best possible salespeople and continuously improve the sales skills of your existing team.
Picture a Sales Assessment tool that…
- Provides a sales assessment to evaluate a candidate’s fit within a sales role
- Shows a quick look graph and a score for sales-ability
- Highlights strengths and weaknesses to improve sales skills
- Indicates the probability of their performing in the top 50% of the team
- And, provides relevant interview and reference questions
What makes SalesMax an effective assessment tool for building a sales team that sells?
- SalesMax helps you identify salespeople who are motivated by your company’s compensation or commission plan, as well as, possess a strong aptitude and mindset for successful selling.
- SalesMax provides management suggestions to both improve individual sales skills and identify specific training needs for the team.
- SalesMax is backed by research, meeting the American Psychological Association (APA) and EEOC guidelines which identify the key characteristics impacting sales success.
SalesMax is easy to both administer and use, and can be accessed by candidates world-wide. Employers are able to access the database and quickly view and print reports for potential salespeople and action plans for current sales teams.
Let SalesMax help you get the right people on the team and the right team in place.