It’s Coming. Are You Ready?

It’s Coming. Are You Ready?

  As business leaders discuss and strategize economies and markets, process improvements, cost reduction, new technology and system efficiencies, one area seems largely unrecognized. That area is the vast energetic untapped potential that shows up every morning—the company employees. First of all, the word employees can retire. It’s an old word for an old time. Laborers, workers, employees—all have had their day and that day is gone. No matter how far away we think we are from the grim industrial age of old, it’s legacy is sticky and can find its way into the present if we are not vigilant. If you listen closely, you can hear the call of the canary in the coal mine. And, I encourage leaders to pay heed. Most of us feel the undulating movement of change below the very ground we work upon. Make no mistake, it is coming. With it, change that will feel very much imposed if not recognized sooner rather than later. The dot com experience may have been the first dot on the emerging horizon. Twenty year olds flush with capital, creating organizations more closely resembling a playground than IBM. These new CEO’s hadn’t learned how to “traditionally” construct a business and so constructed something that felt good. Now, you may not agree with basketball courts and smoothie vendors on site, but something profoundly changed. Hmmm…work, enjoyable? Companies burdened with strife, struggle and uber-structure were now being placed side by side with Google, Zappos, Whole Foods and Trader Joes. People began to see options. The traditional linear, nose-to-the-grindstone mentality was being challenged by this innovative, authentic, more aligned, passionate younger upstart. Regardless of the zany aspects these new environments may possess, their most important triumph is that they are nurturing and unleashing human potential, day in, day out. They are learning to tap into and revel in people power. It has always been there, showing up each day, but until quite recently—dormant. Here’s the upshot, companies do not need to load themselves up with jungle gyms and Frisbee golf courses, but they would do well to learn how to generate and tap into the energy we all possess. Helping their people to wake up, engage and experience fulfillment through the work they do. Ultimately, it requires inviting “human-ness” into the office and letting go of any idea of people as machines. What would energize your team members? What are the first steps to putting this in...

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Be the Leader

Be the Leader

  It fascinates me that ‘leadership development’ is really code for developing as a whole human being. For years, I considered the idea of a leader and leadership to be in its own category, in many ways distinct from being human. I was inclined to perceive that particular designation as less human, and more heroic and superhuman. I incorrectly assumed that extraordinary leaders possessed traits that were not likely bestowed to mere mortals and that they behaved in ways that seemed almost removed from the confusion and messiness of the rest of us. What a surprise when I came to learn that I’d believed a conditioned falsehood all these years. Instead of recognizing the immense humanity of true leadership I was focusing on some false non-humanity. Placing the idea of leadership beyond the attainment of most people. And through that conceptualized understanding, vastly reducing the opportunity of leadership being possible for anyone. True leadership does not require vast numbers of people to lead. Instead, it is the ability to lead yourself first. To move through the quagmire of personal unconsciousness and reflexive behavior. It begins with leading yourself into a greater freedom of being. Learning to rely on your own deep internal guidance and acting from that place. Developing compassion and care, recognizing your inner resource and connecting with your own true north. It’s an inside job. The big obstacle to this inner work is, in large part, the outer world. Our 24/7 “on call” experience of living with buzzers, timers and alerts along with all of the busy-ness we pile into our daily lives, can handily prevent us from developing practices where qualities of leadership can expand and be strengthened. Of course, events can prompt upward movement and do, but nothing can replace the experience of deeply understanding who you are and what you are becoming. That requires something quite outside of the pace and energy of the day to day. The impetus to move beyond any aspect of victimization into the realm of personal leadership is, I believe, core to us all. The noise and confusion of life, the pain and suffering of past experience, can obstruct the impulse. But, if you look closely you can recognize and sense the impulse, the eternal invitation. As a world, we require true leaders, not mythical heroes. Each of us has the capacity to engage in the profound experience of self-leadership. Not waiting to be told how to be, how to act, what to do. But, instead, cultivating the deep resources and wisdom that can direct a life with care, compassion and integrity. In essence, the truest leadership. Are you ready to Be the Leader? Download these 5 Easy Tips...

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Pulling It Together

Pulling It Together

There’s a prescript that’s uttered when people are feeling distracted, disconnected, overwhelmed or fearful—and that is, “pull it together.” It struck me several days ago, that that is what my work is about. Helping companies and the people that work there, pull it together. But, it’s more than moving out of disconnect and overwhelm—it’s about energetically and actively coming together. In essence, becoming a healthy community of people committed to a shared vision…and “pulling together” towards that vision. Right now, we are in the midst of a significant shift in our paradigm of “work.” There is an up-leveling underway and it’s gaining traction. If you aren’t aware of it or aren’t sensing the shift, it’s time to take note. Business has, in essence, examined and refined most every aspect of business operation. Technology, systems, reporting, data, automation and process have experienced remarkable change and improvement. There remains, however, one glaring area that has yet to be powerfully understood and attended to…the people who get the work done. The reasons for this are numerous, but it doesn’t change the truth of it. Most businesses “manage” their people in a style that harkens backwards and not forwards. Even larger corporations with their healthy budgets and intricate HR departments, haven’t created far-reaching change. There’s a lot of lip service and pomp and circumstance, but the end result is oftentimes only incremental in its effect. Here’s the reality…the people that work for a company are the single most important asset of that company.  They are the company. They are the customer service person who daily engages with the people buying the product or service. They are the salesperson hitting the pavement everyday in search of a new opportunity. They are the warehouse person managing that which comes in and that which goes out. They are the administrative person keeping the wheels moving smoothly. The people that buy the products and services, that engage with the company, rarely deal with the executive or management group. They are, however, interacting daily with those mentioned above. A company that has “pulled together” enjoys an enormous advantage over a company that is disconnected and unclear. They know their most important asset is united and aligned to the company and the work. Their people know they are valued and important. All of this combines to generate a culture that is empowered, innovative, collaborative and growing—that’s the energizing (and prosperous) new paradigm of...

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Our Work & Mission

Our Work & Mission

Our Mission At Work At the core of everything related to Momentum and the work they do, is Mission. Founder Barb Hammer describes the evolution that led to the programs and services Momentum offers and explains why creating great workplaces is more vital than ever....

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Leading Forward: Patrick Schneider

Leading Forward: Patrick Schneider

Patrick O. Schneider | Schneider Company, Inc. The story of business owner, Patrick Schneider, and his decision to move his company beyond status quo, seek help and grow his company with intention.   )

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