Be the Leader
It fascinates me that ‘leadership development’ is really code for developing as a whole human being. For years, I considered the idea of a leader and leadership to be in its own category, in many ways distinct from being human. I was inclined to perceive that particular designation as less human, and more heroic and superhuman. I incorrectly assumed that extraordinary leaders possessed traits that were not likely bestowed to mere mortals and that they behaved in ways that seemed almost removed from the confusion and messiness of the rest of us. What a surprise when I came to learn that I’d believed a conditioned falsehood all these years. Instead of recognizing the immense humanity of true leadership I was focusing on some false non-humanity. Placing the idea of leadership beyond the attainment of most people. And through that conceptualized understanding, vastly reducing the opportunity of leadership being possible for anyone. True leadership does not require vast numbers of people to lead. Instead, it is the ability to lead yourself first. To move through the quagmire of personal unconsciousness and reflexive behavior. It begins with leading yourself into a greater freedom of being. Learning to rely on your own deep internal guidance and acting from that place. Developing compassion and care, recognizing your inner resource and connecting with your own true north. It’s an inside job. The big obstacle to this inner work is, in large part, the outer world. Our 24/7 “on call” experience of living with buzzers, timers and alerts along with all of the busy-ness we pile into our daily lives, can handily prevent us from developing practices where qualities of leadership can expand and be strengthened. Of course, events can prompt upward movement and do, but nothing can replace the experience of deeply understanding who you are and what you are becoming. That requires something quite outside of the pace and energy of the day to day. The impetus to move beyond any aspect of victimization into the realm of personal leadership is, I believe, core to us all. The noise and confusion of life, the pain and suffering of past experience, can obstruct the impulse. But, if you look closely you can recognize and sense the impulse, the eternal invitation. As a world, we require true leaders, not mythical heroes. Each of us has the capacity to engage in the profound experience of self-leadership. Not waiting to be told how to be, how to act, what to do. But, instead, cultivating the deep resources and wisdom that can direct a life with care, compassion and integrity. In essence, the truest leadership. Are you ready to Be the Leader? Download these 5 Easy Tips...
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